(207) 284-3181
190 US Rt 1, Falmouth Maine 04105


Residential Painting Services

Interior and Exterior Painting

The Craft Contractors difference

Painting HomeAmong the most effective ways to offer your house a fresh new appearance is to have it repainted. No matter if interior rooms or exterior surfaces you are looking to give a face lift to, a brand new layer of paint that is tastefully colored can totally transform it. Exactly the same is true for the outside- a fresh color can change the entire appearance of the house. Using a professional painting service that is qualified and proficient is your best option so that you can accomplish results that are really spectacular. Let Craft Contractors Remodeling put our extensive expertise to work for you, giving you the ability to redo your house in a vision you’ve always dreamed of.



The Vision of Color

Power of ColorIt’s astonishing what a splash of attentively chosen color can do to transform a room or your home’s exterior! Regardless of what look you’re trying to accomplish, there will be a color option that can give you incredible results. From vivid, bright bursts to more subdued, however elegant hues, there’s no question that color can be a very strong component to your own property or home’s overall feeling. We recognize how significant the color of the paint of a room can matter to its general look, and therefore are happy to help you select the most appealing shades to suit your unique tastes. In our outside of your house or company, you are able to maximize the appeal of any room with Painting by Craft Contractors- without the added cost of major remodeling.


Experience Matters:

Interior Painting SetupThe differences between a homeowner paint job and one done by professionals can be obvious. Professional painters finish walls that look as though they are straight off a showroom with crisp and clean lines and absolutely smooth finishes. When done by professional hands, fresh paint shows no dripping, smudges or imperfections; everything really looks picture perfect. You can always rely on Craft Contractors Remodeling for absolutely excellent painting results.